ATP-206HAVB Aryung T-Rotor Oil Pump

ATP-206HAVB Aryung T-Rotor Oil Pump


• T-ROTOR pump

• Aryung ATP-206HAVB T-Rotor Oil Pump

• Hydraulic System Units

• Hydraulic Systems

• T-Rotor Oil Pumps

• Trochoid oil pump

• transfer oil and fuel, lubricate machines and tools, and hydraulic applications

The AATP-206HAVB Aryung T-Rotor Oil Pum are designed with double oil seals for long term use in high temperatures below 180°C. The oil seals are made from FKM Material. This pump can be ordered with a relief valve to control pressure to avoid overloading the motor and pump operation. This pump is used for transferring oil and fuel, lubrication of machine and tools, and hydraulic applications. The T-Rotor Pump is an internal gear pump consisting of a pair of internal and external gears manufactured based on the Trochoid Curve.


Specification of ATP-206HAVB Aryung T-Rotor Oil Pump

Part : T-ROTOR Oil Pump

Model Number : ATP-206HAVB

Manufacturer : A-Ryung Machinery Industries

Type: ATP-206HAVB

cm³/rev: 6.0

Discharge Volume: 1,500 rpm:9.0/ 1,800 rpm; 10.8

Max Pressure: 3 Mpa

Permissive Rotation: 300 - 2,500 rpm

Pump body: Cast iron

Port housing: Cast iron

Pump cover: Cast iron

Bearing: #6202zz, 6301zz

Shaft: Steel

Rotor: Powder steel

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